Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Its why not throw it away

One of my favorite spatulas broke in half this past Sunday. I did not even realize it was my favorite until it broke. The history of this spatula that is was my then boyfriend now husbands spatula. You know when you merge households everyone has to give up something to make room for both people. Well this spatula was his and I tried to get rid of it long time ago and he said it was his favorite so I kept it. Now almost 9 years later the handle broke in half and I can no longer cook with it. The handle cracked more than a year ago, but I continued to use it, again because it was my favorite and I did not know it. How did it become my favorite, I am not sure. Out of the 12 I have I used this one the most especially to cook breakfast every morning. Now for the past few days I have been struggling to use a different spatula and I promise I am not flipping pancakes and making eggs like I was last week.

Even today, I am still trying to figure out why can I not let go of it. Yes its still on my counter. I realized I am a creature of habit especially when it comes to home and everyday life. As I was washing the dishes yesterday, I thought why wont you throw that away you can not use it for anything, but maybe I can fix it. In reality I cant. Glue or tape wont hold up to heat. Then of course, other things started going through my mind and I got distracted and its still there. I began to think about people in my life and relationships. Just like my broken spatula are there broken people or broken relationships that need to be fixed and cant be. If they can not be fixed why is that. Is it because I am such a creature of habit and struggle with change or is it that they are not willing to help in fixing the brokenness. Just like my spatula cracked right in the middle, any broken relationship has to be repaired right in the middle. Both people willing to come together and glue it back. If the two pieces cant be repaired then you will have to throw it away. For instance supposed when my spatula broke there was a little plastic piece that I did not see fall off and got lost, then when I went to fix it, it just did not work. Just like that relationship with that person, there maybe something missing so unnoticeable that it just can not be fixed until something else happens. Sometimes we are unsure of what that other thing is. A person has to come to their own reality and be willing to fix themselves before they can repair some relationships.

Fast forward, I never finished this post, but its a week later and I still have my spatula. So yes, there are still things I need to resolve within. There are relationships or friendships that I need to determine if they are reparable.

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