Friday, January 3, 2014

So last night, I created this blog and a Facebook Group for This & That and then of course my brain went into overload and I could not sleep. I had tons of thoughts like what am I going to write about, what I am going to cook, how am I going to organize all of my recipes and sort through all of the pictures, what do I want my blog to really be about. I have all of these sites, now how do I link them? Of course I am not as savvy as I thought I was, I signed up for Hootsuite and am clueless......So in the wee hours of the morning, this is what I decided. That I will take it day by day and it may not all come together at once but with perseverance it will. What I figured out is that this will keep me on track and accountable. I have put my dream off long enough. Its time to do the thing that I love to do.

I thought I would write about celebrating my sons sixth birthday this weekend. For a moment I thought well I can make some of his favorite things. Then reality set it. He is the pickiest child I know. He unfortunately eats nothing I cook. He will say mommy that smells really good and he tells everyone I am the best cook in the world. He refuses to eat meat, well he will eat chicken nuggets but refuses to believe they come from chickens. I wonder if when I was pregnant did I ruin him. The only meat I would eat was ground beef when I was pregnant. Everything else pretty much made me gag. Just about everyday I had to have a fresh California Burger with no bread, with either french fries or a baked potato with sour cream and BBQ sauce to dip. This is what I ate pretty much the first 27 weeks of pregnancy. Once I was on bed rest I had to eat what they offered at Robert Wood Johnson, which was not bad thankfully. I did not gain any weight with him until this point either. Well I did, I gained 9 pounds, then once on bedrest I gained 20. Go figure.

So in honor of his birthday and the good old pregnancy days tonight for dinner I will be making homemade burgers, I am going to try and mix ground beef with Chorizo, cilantro, garlic and some other spices and put them in the grill pan and cook to medium. I will also make some home made hand cut french fries. I think I will top the burgers with lettuce, tomato, jalapeno, red onion maybe I will experiment and make some cilantro or garlic mayo. Its not the healthiest, but I will put it on some honey wheat sandwich thins to cut out some of the carbs.

For Myles, he will probably want pizza bagels or pizza. Shameful I know, but what do you do. One day, he will realize that mommy really makes good and healthy food and it will be a joy to eat it. Until then, I will keep pressing and trying to get him to taste things. We have exposed him to many different cultures and people, he has been to five star restaurants but has no desire to eat anything. He is just starting to read so I will typically tell him what they have for options, but now that he is starting to read, he can sound out some of the words. Most waitresses are amazed that he can order his own food, from drinks to desert with no problem. He will tell them how he wants it cooked or what he does or does not want in it. He can even politely let them know when his order is wrong. I am just happy he can sit through a full dinner in any kind of restaurant.

Please feel free to leave comments, recipe request or post your own recipe. I ask that you not post links and just copy and paste as links will cause spam. If you want me to try and make something let me know.

Dinner pictures and recipe will be posted later today after I make it of course. In the meantime, you can visit me on Facebook at : or you can stop by my Pinterest Boards at I am working on my Google+ and Twitter.

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